Everything Beauty. Everything Fashion. Everything Good.

Saturday 30 December 2017


Brows.. you love them or you hate them!

As a person who went to get their brows waxed every 4 weeks without fail I was obsessed with having perfect looking brows, If someone told me 6 months ago that I would have grown them out completely and fallen in love with them I would NEVER in a million years believe them!

Me growing my brows just sort of happened, my brow technician was not available for a few months and because of bad experiences in the past I was too scared to go anywhere else so I thought i'd just leave them be..

It was a struggle at first, we all know the feeling when your brows are messy and your haven't got a clue where to even start filling them in.. NIGHTMARE. Obviously I had to learn to work with them and the more I had to try my best to make them look perfect.. the more I ended up loving how they looked, and these days I feel the messier the better!

I think it looks so much softer on the face and compliments my eyes more & I have been getting so many compliments on how thick they look!

Don't get me wrong I still use 4 Products on my brows everyday to get them to look the way they do, but it takes me half the time as 'THE PERFECT BROW' took to create in the morning.

I get so many questions on my brows and how I get them to look the way they do so feel free to check out my latest youtube tutorial on my brow routine down below <3

Do you think you'll be joining the messy brow band wagon? It's saved me time and money & I am very happy with them at the moment! Please leave any questions or comments & I will get back to you!

Until next time,
e d i t h m a i r x o


Thursday 28 December 2017

Where Have I Been?

Its getting into the new year now & it's time to give my blog some love.

I have been working so hard on my youtube account my poor blog has been neglected and it is time to change! I am getting my life on track and organising my social media posts more regularly to make my life easier and keep you guys posted <3

I am going to be doing weekly posts here on products I have been testing out, looks I have been creating and keeping you updated on any new videos I have filmed!
This is where you can really get to know me and have a peek into my life and activities I get up to along the way!

I have such a good feeling about 2018 and I hope you guys do too, I have so many goals waiting for me to achieve and I do not want to do any of it with anyone else but my amazing family, friends & subscribers by my side!

Lets start again.
Edith x

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