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Tuesday 17 May 2016

6 Inexpensive & Easy Steps for Clearer Skin & get rid of Dark Circles

Hi everyone!
Today I thought I should do a quick skincare post for you guys of steps I have taken & that has made my skin look like new!

Having suffered with mild acne while I was growing up I have never thought my skin looked nice, it has always had scarring, dark circles underneath the eye and just a very patchy look when I am barefaced.

Because I am such a makeup junkie and like everything looking flawless I now make sure my skin is always at its best it can be so I have a smooth blank canvas to work on.
I am also a big believer in starting anti ageing routines young to prevent any damage before it arises.
Taking care of your skin is a process you have to add to your daily routine and be patient with, miracles are not going to happen overnight but if you stick to it and make it part of your routine you will soon see results.

Here are my 6 steps to clearer & younger looking skin without spending too much money:

1. This is the obvious step, but cleansing your face before you go to bed is one of the
most important steps to clearer skin, I don't mean rubbing a baby wipe quickly and then your done unfortunately. You need to cleanse your skin properly with a mild soap & water (I highly recommend Crystal Clear Skin Soothing Gel) to remove any excess makeup, dirt or products from the skin.

2. After cleansing your face with soap & water you then need to take a makeup remover I am big on using natural products as I said because you know there is no crap in them and when it comes to your skin you do not need artificial crap on it. Apple Cider Vinegar is a brilliant makeup remover and is amazing at fighting acne, (I do recommend diluting it with water as it can sting around the eye area if applied neat) rub on your face with a cotton pad (you will be surprised how much makeup still comes off even ddo you cannot see it on your face after washing it)

3. Next I love using a Vitamin C serum, I always try to go for organic products because they are gentler on the skin and to me the less smell on the product the better, I hate using heavy perfumed products on my face as it is obviously not natural. Vitamin C helps boost collagen in the skin to make it appear firmer & also helps fade any pigmentation on the skin (dark circles, scars etc.) those are just two examples of its many benefits.

4. Next step is Hydrochloric Acid (sounds scarier that it is I promise) this is very big in the skincare industry at the moment, some people say it can reduce the look of fine lines & wrinkles, which is true, but only very effective if you inject it internally. However, if you like me are using it on top on the skin it is a great moisturiser it traps moisture in your face to keep it hydrated so it is great if you have dry skin, use it in moderation I tend to use this maybe 2-3 times a week. This step is definately optional, there is a lot of controversy weather it actually does anything if it is not injected into the skin but I deffinately feel it has made a difference to me so I am happy to use it every now and again.

5. The final step to my everyday skincare routine is Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and lots of it! This is the best moisturiser I have ever used. I smother my face in it and let it soak in, Olive oil is great because it penetrates deep into the skins surface and has many antioxidants, anti ageing elements & vitamins that help nourish and cleanse the skin. I even add olive oil to my bath occasionally and come out feeling so soft it is amazing! Use olive oil on your face and you will thank me in the long run trust me.

6. If your like me & suffer from dark circles underneath the eyes and have tried all the products in the world to try and get rid of them and they wont budge. Then you need to read this. Natural products have got rid of them for me and they are so simple to come across you will not believe.

Lemon: brilliant for brightening skin, just apply some lemon juice to the under eye area (or area that has dark pigmentation) being careful to avoid getting it into the eye and let it soak in repeat this process about 3 times a week and you will see them starting to fade.

Potato: yes, as crazy as it sounds potatoes can become a part of your beauty routine, cut it and apply the inside of the potato to the affected area for 5-10 mins and you will see a difference. So simple, inexpensive & effective

Orange peel: Next time you eat an orange do not throw away the skin, apply it underneath your eyes and let it sit for 10 mins as crazy as it sounds do this often enough and you will see results, the citric acid in orange peel has bleaching agents that can help get rid of pigmentation.

I hope you enjoyed these 6 easy steps to clearer fresher looking skin. I would like to add that everyone is different, these steps work brilliantly for me but does not mean that will be the case for everyone, you need to play around and try everything to see what works best for you. All I have to say is I highly recommend using natural remedies when dealing with your skin because too many harsh chemicals can not be good for it, I will have a detailed skincare video going up on my youtube very soon so Subscribe to my Channel & keep an eye out for it!

Thankyou for reading xoxo


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